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Listen to Joel Seltzer's Classes

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Classes with Rabbi Helfand

  • Who Wrote the Bible?  Thursdays at 11:00 am
    • The Hebrew Bible is the foundational text of Judaism and Christianity. The question remains, however, who wrote it and why was it written? How does the authorship of the text inform the way we adhere to its teachings? The Hebrew Bible, and in particular, the Torah (Pentateuch) contains a rich diversity or sources that teach us a lot about ideology, literary expression, social and political circumstances, and theology (our relationship with the Divine). Over the course of our studies, we will look at select passages from the Torah and Hebrew Bible in Hebrew and English, explore parallel texts from other ancient Near Eastern religions/cultures, and wrestle with what our personal and communal relationship was, is, and can be with this sacred text. During the High Holidays season, this class is focused around themes of the past and upcoming year. Check out our feature in Washington Jewish Week HERE.
  • A Bisl of Torah, Shabbat, between Minchah and Ma'ariv
    • Join us each week as Rabbi Helfand or a guest educator engages the community in study and discussion as we learn, share a light meal,  and prepare to transition from the end of the peace of Shabbat to the week to come.

Classes with Cantor Labovitz

  • Learn to Lead Weekday Ma'ariv, various Mondays at 7:30 pm
    • Whether you’re new to the shtender (reader’s pulpit) or experienced, this class taught by Cantor Labovitz goes over how to lead Ma’ariv for the Minyan. In between sessions, participants recieve materials for self-study. Registration for 2024-2025 coming soon!
  • Adult Torah Tropvarious Mondays at 8:00 pm
    • Want to learn how to read the Torah? Have you read before but only learned from recordings? Join Cantor Labovitz to learn the basics of trop and how to interpret and apply trop to Torah text. Music-reading skills are not required, but basic Hebrew reading skills are preferred. Registration for 2024-2025 coming soon!

Classes with Rabbi Emeritus Fishman

  • Talmud Text Class, Sundays at 8:00 am
    • Study the original text of the tractate Megillah and encounter many discussions of the origins of synagogue practices including Torah reading. 
  • Biblical Hebrew and Grammar, Wednesdays at 11:30 am
    • By studying the grammar and syntax of the narrative portions in the Torah, we gain greater facility in reading the text of the Torah in its Hebrew original. We also explore how Biblical words are used in contemporary Hebrew. Texts are distributed electronically.

Other Classes

  • Jews for Exegesis: Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah Portion   Shabbat, during Kiddush
    • An in-depth and lively exploration of the weekly Torah portion with the commentary of Rashbam (Rabbi Shmuel ben Meir), one of the classical medieval Torah commentators, who was distinguished for his striving for the plain meaning of the text.  Texts are bilingual, and discussion, questions, and disagreements are welcome.  For further information, contact Richard Friedman. For further information, contact Richard Friedman.
  • Havrei Moshe Talmud Class-Masechet Shabbat (formerly Tuesday Talmud Class)   Tuesdays at 8:30 pm
    • The Talmud consists of discussions among the Rabbis, from about 100 BCE to 500 CE, of law, legend, morality, and theology.  We are studying a volume on Shabbat; our discussions are lively, and range from legal details to the theology of commandments. All questions are fair; no belief is assumed except that study of Torah is worthwhile. Texts are in Hebrew/Aramaic and English. Participants include people who have studied Talmud before and people who have not.  This class is named in memory of a long-time dedicated participant, Murray Rottenberg a"h, Moshe Ze'ev. For further information, contact Richard Friedman
  • Women's Torah Study Class  Parashat Hashavuah Class  Every other Friday at 9:30 -11:00 am
    • The class is taught by Hadar educator, Rabbi Avi Strausberg.  Each class delves into one piece of each week’s parasha (weekly Torah portion) and examines it critically with commentary from our sages. No prior experience, knowledge or participation necessary; all welcome, OKC members and non-members. Registration required.
  • Learner’s Minyan with Rabbi Glazer    Sundays, 9:00 - 9:45 am when ABRS is in session
    • On Sunday mornings when the Religious School is in session, our morning service is also a learner’s service with an opportunity to explore the meaning, practice, structure, and experience of davening.

Please consult the calendar for specific dates and meeting links: Class Schedule

Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785