Bonim & Machar (K–5th)
Bonim (K-Grade 2)
Bonim provides a warm introduction to Jewish youth groups for children in grades K-2. Bonim offers extracurricular activities at Ohr Kodesh like cooking, arts and crafts, games, and movie days. Each event strives to incorporate Jewish values and community building.
Machar (Grades 3-5)
Machar is for children in grades 3-5. In Machar, participants will continue to build relationships with each other and the Ohr Kodesh community while also participating in tzedakah and chesed projects. Machar offers activities such like Chocolate Seder, apple picking, volunteering at A Wider Cirlce, and game days.
For information, please contact Wilhelmina Gottschalk at
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
Meet Our Young Children Engagement Specialist, Mia Kaufman
In the past, Mia taught seventh grade at ABRS and has helped with High Holiday youth services. She grew up in Baltimore County and currently resides in Washington, DC. During the week, she is a special education teacher in Montgomery County. In her free time, she enjoys long-distance running, playing board games, hiking, and trying out new recipes for Shabbat.