Daily Minyan: Morning & Evening
For Zoom links for morning and evening services, please check the weekly email or log into your OKC account to find the information below.
“Prayers from the heart open all the gates of heaven.” Rebbe Nachman
Ohr Kodesh is proud of its tradition of providing a twice-daily minyan, a welcoming place where we come together as a community in prayer. You can read testimonies about the importance of minyan for our congregants HERE.
Our minyan is made possible by our communal efforts - all Ohr Kodesh members are assigned Minyan Duty on a rotating basis, alphabetically by last name, twice a year. Your participation makes it possible for those who are in mourning or observing a yahrzeit to be able to say Kaddish, the prayer in honor of the memory of our loved ones.
Please join us. All are welcome.
Joining Together in Prayer
Ohr Kodesh offers both in-person and virtual access to our daily services.
Periodically, circumstances generate adjustments to the prayer times; please check the OKC calendar for the most current info. All times are Eastern Standard (EST).
Shacharit (Morning) Services
- Monday-Friday at 7:15 am (Chapel & Zoom)
- Please join us on Thursdays after Morning Minyan for a light breakfast and schmoozing in the OKC Conference Room.
- Sunday and Federal Holidays at 9:00 am (Chapel & Zoom)
- Rosh Chodesh and Chol Hamoed (intermediate days) at 7:00 am (Chapel & Zoom)
Ma'ariv (Evening) Services
- Sundays-Thursdays at 7:30 pm (Sun-Wed: Chapel & Zoom / Thurs: Library & Zoom).
- Would you like to Daven or lead? Please sign up HERE.
Saying Kaddish
When ten adult Jews gather, those who are in a period of mourning or observing a yahrzeit may recite the mourner’s kaddish. If ten adult Jews are not present, a prayer in lieu of Kaddish is recited.
Support OKC Minyans
- Help support the daily Minyan by joining the Ohr Kodesh SOS WhatsApp Minyan group on your phone in case we need more people for a minyan.
- To let us know if you're coming to Morning Minyan, put your name down HERE.
If you have any questions or need assistance connecting remotely, please contact Dennis Concepcion, Facilities Manager.
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
Minyan Schedule & Links
Shacharit (Morning)
Mon-Fri 7:15 am, Chapel & Zoom
Sun 9:00 am, Chapel & Zoom
Rosh Chodesh 7:00 am, Chapel & Zoom
Federal Holidays 9:00 am, Chapel & Zoom
Ma'ariv (Evening)
Sun-Wed 7:30 pm, Chapel & Zoom
Thurs 7:30 pm, Library & Zoom
Kabbalat Shabbat (& Ma'ariv)
Chapel & Live Stream, see Calendar
Sign Up: OKC WhatsApp SOS Minyan
* All times are Eastern Standard (EST)*