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 “… וְשִׁנַּנְתָּ֣ם לְבָנֶ֔יךָ  and teach them to your children...”   Shema, Deuteronomy 6: 4-9

Ohr Kodesh is committed to engaging every member and every family of our community in the sanctity and joy of Shabbat and Torah.

We offer age-appropriate Shabbat opportunities to explore prayer, learn Torah, develop Jewish identities, and more.

Shabbat Morning Youth & Family Services

  • 18 Months-4 Years: Babysitting | 9:30-11:30 am  Children are welcome to play in a supervised, safe and fun environment while their adults participate in services. 
  • Up to 5 Years: Torah Tots | 10:45-11:30 am Children bring their adult to this volunteer-led service celebrating Shabbat with songs, tefilot (prayers), stories, and parashah (weekly Torah reading) activities. 
  • Grades K-2: Mini Minyan 10:45-11:45 am  Children participate in an interactive Shabbat service that incorporates tefilot (prayers), parashah (weekly Torah reading) stories, and activities. In this staff-led service, children learn how to daven (pray) with kavanah (intention) while having fun!        
  • Grades 3-4: "Next Dor" Minyan 10:45-11:45 am  Children join a new weekly staff-led Shabbat service for mid-elementary school. Every Shabbat participants daven (pray), explore tefilot (prayers) and learn about the meaning and structure of the Shabbat morning services. 
  • Grades 5-7: Minyan and Moadon 10:45-11:45 am  

    We are excited to announce the new Minyan and Moadon program starting on August 24, 2024. This program is a Torah service for 4th-7th graders led by our very own 10th-12th graders during Shabbat morning services! 

Grades 4-7 will have the opportunity to learn how to lead and participate in all the roles in the Torah service in a low stress environment: take an aliyah, lead the Torah service, be a gabbai, practice reading from the Torah, and more. This will be a chance for those who haven’t had their b’nei mitzvah to work on their skills before the event and those post-b’nei mitzvah to continue honing their skills. Some weeks, we will have a group discussion about the meaning of the parasha and play games that relate to it. 

Minyan and Moadon will take place in the Salzberg Family Library. A sign-up sheet will be available during the week to sign up to lead and/or participate in different parts of the Torah service.

  • Grades 8-12: Madrichim (Teen Leadership) The Madrichim program provides opportunities for teens to build leadership skills, plan activities, and create connections within the community. Madrichim serve as role models, teachers, and synagogue leaders, bringing youth programming to OKC children ages preschool through 7th grades. Click HERE for more information. 

Shabbat Youth & Family Events

Friday Evenings (Erev Shabbat)

  • Ages 0-5: Tot Shabbat Welcome Shabbat with family and friends during this musical, family-friendly Friday night service, followed by dinner. All are welcome to participate in the service; dinner requires pre-registration.
  • 8th-12th Grades: Friday Night Lights  Enjoy a Shabbat evening including a catered, Kosher dinner and program at a teen family's home. Check the calendar for upcoming dates and to register. 

Shabbat Afternoon

  • All Ages: Game Shabbat  Stay after Kiddush for family-style games with your OKC community. Bring your favorite games from home to share during the event. Snacks provided.

Saturday Evening (Motzi Shabbat

  • Ages 0-8: Pajama Havdalah Pajama Havdalah includes activities with family and friends, with a musical Havdalah with Cantor Labovitz. Don't forget to wear your favorite pajamas!  
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784