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Leadership Opportunities

Schmutz Busters (5th-8th grade): Schmutz Busters are OKC’s composting crew who are in charge of keeping our community composting and trash free. Our 5-8th graders will supervise composting efforts during Shabbat afternoon kiddush by keeping watch over what should be composted and what shouldn’t. After a training session, 6-8th graders will be able to receive SSL hours for their service.

Madrichim (8th-12th grade): The Madrichim program provides opportunities for teens to build leadership skills, plan activities, and create connections within the community. Madrichim serve as role models, teachers, and synagogue leaders, bringing youth programming to OKC children ages preschool through 7th grades.

Madrichim may choose to support our Alvin Browdy Religious School program, our Shabbat morning youth programming, and/or our youth High Holiday programs. This year we are inviting teens to participate in specialized training using the Matan Institute for Teens curriculum, which is designed to equip madrichim to work in an inclusive setting, and help them fill a critical role in the community. 

Fill out the application for the 2024-25 year HERE.

Madrichim may receive SSL hours, and those in high school may choose monetary compensation. Students completing the Matan curriculum will receive an additional $2/hour.

Teen Leadership Cohort (10th-12th grades): The Teen Leadership Cohort will run the Shabbat morning Minyan and Moadon service for the middle schoolers. Furthering their leadership skills, those in the TLC can sign up to lead different parts of the Torah service, as well as facilitating discussions on the parsha.

Teen Education

Tzohar: This program for students in 8th - 12th grade combines classical Jewish education with an introduction to college-level Jewish Studies coursework. Participants in this Sunday evening program experience two distinctive approaches to Jewish Studies, with an hour of traditional text study, and another hour of coursework with faculty members from the Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies at University of Maryland. Click HERE for more information.

Teen Beit Midrash: This is OKC's Thursday night teen education program for students in 8th-12th grades. Teens have the opportunity to connect meaningfully with the Jewish traditions’ texts and concepts, and to develop relationships with Rabbi Corey Helfand and to one another. Click HERE for more information.

Social Events

Friday Night Lights: This is a program where Teens come spend time together for a Shabbat evening! Teen-led Kabbalat Shabbat, a catered dinner, and a fun program at a teen family's home. 

Interested in hosting  Friday Night Lights? Please contact Meirav Steinlauf.

Pizza and Planning: Ohr Kodesh Congregation is happy to announce our new Pizza and Planning! These 2 Sessions, one for Middle Schoolers (5th-8th) and High Schoolers (9th-12th) will meet at OKC to brainstorm social programs to be held throughout the upcoming year while having plenty of pizza! 

Mitzvah Scholars and Hesed Corps

Mitzvah Scholars (5th and 6th grade): As our young people prepare to celebrate their b’nei mitzvah, the Mitzvah Scholars family education program is part of their learning experience as they get ready to celebrate this milestone simcha (joyous occasion). This program is facilitated by Cantor Labovitz, Rabbi Helfand, and OKC staff. 
Mitzvah Scholars usually involves a once-per-month commitment during the school year in 5th and 6th grades. About six times per year, these sessions take place from 9:00 - 10:00 am on Shabbat morning at Ohr Kodesh. Parents are encouraged to attend, as our classes are enriched when students and parents are in dialogue with each other. For more information, contact Cantor Hinda Labovitz

Hesed Corps (7th and 8th grade): The b’nei mitzvah journey continues with Hesed Corps. Our 7th and 8th graders come together for hesed projects (acts of loving kindness) participating in social action learning and projects to support the OKC community and the wider Montgomery County community. Hesed Corps meets periodically on Sunday mornings from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm during the school year, and may include off-site projects.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784