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Cantor's 10th Year Gala Ritual Objects

Please log into your OKC account before registering to "bill your account." Otherwise, you will need to pay by credit card and will be assessed a 3% fee.

Celebrating Cantor Labovitz's
10 Years at Ohr Kodesh

Special Sponsorships

Ritual Objects & Program Support


Ritual Objects and Programming Sponsorships
Special fundraising for the Cantor's Gala will support repairing/replacing our ritual objects and much-needed programming at Ohr Kodesh.

Suggested donations are listed below. Please select the item(s) or donation amount you would like to sponsor. 

If you would like to discuss other funding opportunities, or you are a Giving Circles member and want to apply your benefits, please contact Monica Saff, OKC Executive Director.

Your donations will help to strengthen our community and enhance our ritual experiences. Thank you!
   Tallitot for Guests - $100.00 - 30 of 50 Left
   Torah Belts - $180.00 - Fully Booked
   Rabbi's Pulpit Cover - $1,800.00 - Booked
   Chapel Podium Cover - $1,800.00 - Booked
   Pulpit Cover for High Holiday Services - $1,800.00 - Open
   Background Tapestry for High Holiday Services - $3,000.00 - Open
   Sanctuary Shulchan Cover - $3,600.00 - Booked
   Chapel Shulchan Cover - $3,600.00 - Booked
   Shulchan Cover for High Holiday Services - $3,600.00 - Booked
   Torah Cover - $18,000.00 - 9 Open
   Adjustable Podium - $360.00 - 1 of 3 Left
   Wooden Booster Boxes - $1,000.00 - 3 Open
   Double Sided Lectern - $2,500.00 - Open
   Torah Holder for High Holiday Services - $3,600.00 - Open
   Adaptive Schulchan - $10,000.00 - Open
   Aliyah Text Plaques - $180.00 - Fully Booked
   Tabletop Podium - $180.00 - 4 Open
   Case for Megillat Esther - $360.00 - Booked
   Shofar - $500.00 - 1 of 2 Left
   Kiddush Cups - $500.00 - 2 of 3 Left
   Havdalah Set - $720.00 - 2 Open
   Torah Indicator Tags - $720.00 - 8 Open
   Yad - $720.00 - Booked
   Protective Torah Travel Case - $800.00 - Open
Ritual Programming Support 
I would like to make a contribution to honor Cantor Labovitz's 10 years at Ohr Kodesh. Please enter your donation amount below.
Please log into your OKC account before registering to "bill your account." Otherwise, you will need to pay by credit card and will be assessed a 3% fee.
Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785